18th NOV - Ballet Dress Rehearsal @ Studio signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

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1 parent per group to supervise whilst waiting their dress rehearsal (preschool & primary school classes). No siblings or additional people on site please. Please note: This is to supervise the group not just your child & assist Melinda with the group. Please send WWCC details to info@danceartistryaustralia.com.au or via DSP contact form.

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What When Who
Pure Ballet 5/6 SAT / Contemp 3 - Characters / Woods 18th NOV 9.50am-12pm Helen D.
Pure Ballet 5/6 SAT / Contemp 3 - Characters / Woods 18th NOV 9.50am-12pm Ellen C.
Pure Ballet 3 WED - Deer 18th NOV 10am-12pm Katie C.
Pure Ballet 5/6 SAT - Characters 18th NOV 12.30pm-2.30pm Katie R.
Pure Ballet 5/6 Open - Wood Cutters 18th NOV 12.20pm-2.30pm Eva G.
Pure Ballet 2/3 THURS - Bluebirds 18th NOV 12.30pm-2.30pm Joanne K.
Pure Ballet 3/4 SAT - Nursery Thymes 18th NOV 12.30pm-2.30pm Sascha D.
Build-A-Ballerina FRI 2-4yo class - Sheep 18th NOV 1.00pm-2.30pm Catherine J.
Build-A-Ballerina FRI 2-4yo class - Sheep 18th NOV 1.00pm-2.30pm Emily N.
Build-A-Ballerina FRI 2-4yo class - Sheep 18th NOV 1.00pm-2.30pm Lauren A.
Build-A-Ballerina FRI 2-4yo class - Sheep 18th NOV 1.00pm-2.30pm Not filled
Dance Art/1 WED - Flowers 18th NOV 12.30pm-2.30pm Jessica V.
Dance Art/1 WED - Flowers 18th NOV 12.30pm-2.30pm Not filled
Pure Ballet 5/6 THURS - Rapunzel dance 18th NOV 3pm-5pm Adelle S.
Pure Ballet 1 WED - Forest Nymphs 18th NOV 3pm-5pm Louise B.
Pure Ballet 1 WED - Forest Nymphs 18th NOV 3pm-5pm Tauna B.
Pure Ballet 1 WED - Forest Nymphs 18th NOV 3pm-5pm Susan R.
CREW 18th NOV 10am-5pm Kara I.
CREW 18th NOV 10am-5pm Ashla S.
CREW 18th NOV 10am-5pm Brooke B.
CREW 18th NOV 10am-5pm Ally W.
CREW 18th NOV approx 3pm-5pm Kelli W.
CREW 18th NOV approx 3pm-5pm Kerryn P.
CREW 18th NOV approx 3pm-5pm Sarah S.
CREW - COSTUMES 18th NOV 10am-5pm Mae L.
CREW - PHOTOGRAPHY 18th NOV as available Leah H.