Common Questions

What is is a website where volunteer coordinators can quickly create a free, online volunteer signup sheet (also called an online volunteer sign up form by some).
One way to make volunteering easier is by letting volunteers sign up online.  This way, volunteers can access sign-up sheets anywhere, anytime.  In today's web-connected world of smartphones, tablets, PCs, etc., providing this option just makes sense.  It makes things easier for everyone involved.

How does it work?

Basically, the volunteer coordinator creates an online volunteer sign up sheet at the website, emails the sign up sheet’s unique link to her volunteers who click on the link to view the online signup sheet and select a task they are interested in.   Here are the specific steps:
  1. Create your online signup sheet
  2. A special link is automatically generated (e.g.,
  3. Provide this link to your potential volunteers using email, Facebook, Twitter, a website, blog, poster, newsletter, etc.
  4. Your volunteers click on the link to view the sign up sheet (no registration required)
  5. Your volunteers select a task and sign up
Later, you can sign in to your account and view who has signed up, as well as their contact information (name, email address, phone number), and contact them with further information, if necessary.
It is simple and fast.

Who is it for?  Do you have some testimonials?   is for non-commercial, volunteer-supported organizations and groups that provide social benefit: non profits, charities, grassroots organizations, sports clubs, neighbourhood groups, PTAs, etc.  Specifically, the website is for their volunteer coordinators.  To date, the website has facilitated recruitment of over 10 million volunteers, and the service is used by over 150,000 groups and organizations. To learn more about the kinds of organizations that use and to read some testimonials, please click here.

How can help?

If you have ever recruited and organized volunteers for an event or activity, you know the challenges that a volunteer coordinator faces. One of those challenges is recruiting volunteers to do specific tasks; another challenge is matching them up with a job or a task that they want to do.  And if you are doing this through back-and-forth emails, phone calls, and voice mail, it can become a nightmare.  There is a better way.

If your organization, group or club has the email addresses of its members, one effective approach is to use to create a free, online, interactive volunteer sign up sheet that lists tasks for volunteers, and provide the sign up sheet’s link (via email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to your potential volunteers so that they can select what they want to do themselves.  It is like passing around a clipboard with a sign up sheet, except it is all done smoothly online.  Online sign up is quick and convenient, and saves time.

Do volunteers need to open an account?

No.  To sign up for a job or a task, volunteers do not need to open an account with  This makes it fast and easy for the volunteer.

How many volunteer signup sheets can I create?

Create as many as you like; we do not impose a limit on the number of free online sign up sheets you can create.

Is there a limit to the number of rows a signup sheet can have?

We do not impose a row limit, but if there are too many rows on your volunteer sign up sheet, volunteers may get confused.

If there is no cost and there are no ads, then what is the catch?

There is no catch.  We offer as free service for non-commercial, volunteer-supported activities to encourage volunteerism.  Find out more here.

How do I create a signup sheet?  How do I set reminders for my volunteers?  How do I edit a signup sheet?  How to I remove a volunteer?

For all "how to" questions please go here.

There are other signup websites out there.  How are you different? is free, fast and easy to use; there are no ads or spam; it is explicitly for non-commercial volunteer-supported activities; further, it is possible to track volunteer hours.

Is there a sign up template I can use?

In essence, is like a free sign up sheet template.  The main difference between sign up sheets and a traditional paper sign up template is that it is online, making it very easy for a potential volunteer to sign up for a task.  The fact is that online sign up is easier than using paper.  

On this page, why do you sometimes write “sign up” and other times “signup”?   

Congratulations if you have noticed this.  Technically, when “sign up” appears before a noun it should be written as a single word (e.g., signup sheet), or as a hyphenated word (e.g., sign-up sheet).  However, this is not widely known, so we have decided to write it both ways to increase the likelihood of someone finding us while doing a web search for volunteer sign up sheet, volunteer sign up, volunteer sign up form, sign up sheet, etc.  We apologize to any English teachers out there for this inconsistency but hope you understand.

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