Tuesday 12/10/19 Warehouse Workday signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

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Work in warehouse on Mainland checking presents and filling angel gifts as needed. Bring a lunch

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What When Who
Angel check sheet sitting job 9-2 Not filled
Warehouse worker (physical standing, lifting, bending) 9-2 Terri B.
Warehouse worker (physical standing, lifting, bending) 9-2 Lauri D.
Warehouse worker (physical standing, lifting, bending) 9-2 Rachael H.
Warehouse worker (physical standing, lifting, bending) 9-2 Tobie B.
Warehouse worker (physical standing, lifting, bending) 9-2 JOhn A.
Warehouse worker (physical standing, lifting, bending) 9-2 Paul H.
Warehouse worker (physical standing, lifting, bending) 9-2 Kathy R.
Warehouse worker (physical standing, lifting, bending) 9-2 Tim C.
Warehouse worker (physical standing, lifting, bending) 9-2 Pete G.
Warehouse worker (physical standing, lifting, bending) 9-2 Jamie S.