QGSSSA Cross Country Championships Team Breakfast signup sheet

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7.30am Wednesday 17 May 2023, CC Tennis Pavilion

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What When Who
Fruit Platter - watermelon, grapes, oranges etc 7.00am Marika N.
Fruit Platter - watermelon, grapes, oranges etc 7.00am Not filled
Croissants (plain) x15 7.00am Upekha G.
Croissants (plain) x15 7.00am Lisa G.
Bread rolls (white) x20 7.00am Tara T.
Bread rolls (grain/wholemeal) x20 7.00am Samantha C.
Yoghurt (sml) eg Chobani or YoPro pots x5 7.00am Upekha G.
Yoghurt (sml) eg Chobani or YoPro pots x5 7.00am Sue N.
Yoghurt (sml) eg Chobani or YoPro pots x5 7.00am Lisa G.
Yoghurt (sml) eg Chobani or YoPro pots x5 7.00am Lisa G.
Orange juice (2L) x2 7.00am Lisa G.
Chocolate milk (2L) x2 7.00am Emily W.
Chocolate milk (2L) x2 7.00am Rebecca S.
BBQ - cook bacon and eggs 6.30am Tara T.
BBQ - cook bacon and eggs 6.30am Rae M.
Preparation and serving 6.30am Emily W.
Preparation and serving 6.30am Marika N.
Preparation and serving 6.30am Sue N.
Preparation and serving 6.30am Samantha C.