ICT Streets NOMAR signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Come join us on at ICT Streets NOMAR on Cinco de Mayo! We'll be tabling, talking to people about the importance of voting, and sharing the tools at our disposal so folks can register themselves to vote. Plus, you get to check out all the other fun in the area! In addition to table workers, we'll also need helpers for set-up and take-down. This year we're at Woodland Park, 841 W 21st Street, Wichita 67203.

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What and when
Set-up and tabling
11:15AM to 2PM Sunday, May 5
Jessica M., Barbara B.,
Tabling and take-down
1:45PM to 4:30PM Sunday, May 5
Karen K., Karen K., Patty D.,
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