Tina Turner signup sheet

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February 6 - 9, 2020
Sign-up opens on January 1st at 3:00pm!

Play Description:
Cookie Watkins brings more than a celebrity impersonation to her performance. An international touring Tribute Artist, Cookie has entertained hundreds of thousands of Tina Turner fans around the world. Music has been Cookie’s mainstay since Duke Ellington brought her onstage to warble out a few tunes at the ripe age of fourteen. No stranger to Broadway, Cookie also performed in hit stage musicals like “Guys & Dolls,’ “Sweet Charity,” and “Hair” before touring with the original cast of “Beehive” and Marie Wilson.

There is no other Tina Turner impersonator on the planet that comes close. That's why Cookie Watkins was hand selected by Legends in Concert, The Next Best Thing TV show and many other shows nationwide to be their Tina Turner Tribute Impersonator! She is Simply the Best!

Cookie allows the audience to savor the saucy effects of Tina’s “Higher” before a seamless transition to the throaty “Better Be Good to Me” followed by “What’s Love Got To Do With It?”. But Cookie and her audience know nothing tops the high-energy stand-up hit and closer “Proud Mary,” and that is exactly what Cookie does Tina—“Proud!”

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What When Who
Tina Turner Thur. Feb. 6th, 6:15pm Kim C.
Tina Turner Thur. Feb. 6th, 6:15pm Tom H.
Tina Turner Thur. Feb. 6th, 6:15pm Fay L.
Tina Turner Thur. Feb. 6th, 6:15pm marcia P.
Tina Turner Thur. Feb. 6th, 6:15pm Chris L.
Tina Turner Thur. Feb. 6th, 6:15pm Michael P.
Tina Turner Thur. Feb. 6th, 6:15pm Rocky B.
Tina Turner Thur. Feb. 6th, 6:15pm Jackie G.
Tina Turner Fri. Feb. 7th, 6:15pm donna H.
Tina Turner Fri. Feb. 7th, 6:15pm larry h.
Tina Turner Fri. Feb. 7th, 6:15pm Marilyn B.
Tina Turner Fri. Feb. 7th, 6:15pm ann P.
Tina Turner Fri. Feb. 7th, 6:15pm Lawrence B.
Tina Turner Fri. Feb. 7th, 6:15pm David P.
Tina Turner Fri. Feb. 7th, 6:15pm Rhoda P.
Tina Turner Fri. Feb. 7th, 6:15pm Wendy S.
Tina Turner Sat. Feb. 8th MAT, 12:45pm Cathy M.
Tina Turner Sat. Feb. 8th MAT, 12:45pm Joann C.
Tina Turner Sat. Feb. 8th MAT, 12:45pm Donna W.
Tina Turner Sat. Feb. 8th MAT, 12:45pm MAUREEN M.
Tina Turner Sat. Feb. 8th MAT, 12:45pm Kathleen V.
Tina Turner Sat. Feb. 8th MAT, 12:45pm Arlene M.
Tina Turner Sat. Feb. 8th MAT, 12:45pm Marilyn G.
Tina Turner Sat. Feb. 8th MAT, 12:45pm Chie B.
Tina Turner Sat. Feb. 8th EVE, 6:15pm Brian V.
Tina Turner Sat. Feb. 8th EVE, 6:15pm Donna W.
Tina Turner Sat. Feb. 8th EVE, 6:15pm Wendy B.
Tina Turner Sat. Feb. 8th EVE, 6:15pm Brian W.
Tina Turner Sat. Feb. 8th EVE, 6:15pm Victer C.
Tina Turner Sat. Feb. 8th EVE, 6:15pm Debbie C.
Tina Turner Sat. Feb. 8th EVE, 6:15pm Claudia S.
Tina Turner Sat. Feb. 8th EVE, 6:15pm Cam S.
Tina Turner Sun. Feb. 9th, 11:45am TIM C.
Tina Turner Sun. Feb. 9th, 11:45am Donna F.
Tina Turner Sun. Feb. 9th, 11:45am roger k.
Tina Turner Sun. Feb. 9th, 11:45am Joani B.
Tina Turner Sun. Feb. 9th, 11:45am Pam T.
Tina Turner Sun. Feb. 9th, 11:45am graciela b.
Tina Turner Sun. Feb. 9th, 11:45am David T.
Tina Turner Sun. Feb. 9th, 11:45am Cindy Q.