Opening Day - March 25, 2023 signup sheet

Hey Parents! Opening day is a fun and exciting event for the whole family. Please come out and spend the day with our softball players and families. Our association is run by volunteers; we need you help!

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Set up - Tables, canopies, silent auction, hang banners 8:00-10:00 Cesar R.
Set up - Tables, canopies, silent auction, hang banners 8:00-10:00 Maria Q.
Set up - Tables, canopies, silent auction, hang banners 8:00-10:00 Myra V.
Pictures - Organize the teams, help kids line up. 10:00-1:00 Amy F.
BBQ - Set up, Taking orders and payment 10:00-1:00 Ras M.
BBQ - Set up, Taking orders and payment 10:00-1:00 Yasmin B.
BBQ - Set up, Taking orders and payment 10:00-1:00 Sign up
BBQ - Set up, Filling orders 10:00-1:00 Jacob M.
BBQ - Set up, Filling orders 10:00-1:00 Tito P.
BBQ - Set up, Filling orders 10:00-1:00 Amber F.
BBQ - Taking orders and payment, Clean up 1:00-4:00 Cynthia L.
BBQ - Taking orders and payment, Clean up 1:00-4:00 Frank A.
BBQ - Taking orders and payment, Clean up 1:00-4:00 Julian A.
BBQ - Filling orders, Clean up 1:00-4:00 Sign up
BBQ - Filling orders, Clean up 1:00-4:00 Sign up
BBQ - Filling orders, Clean up 1:00-4:00 Sign up
Clean up - Put away tables, banners, and canopies. Clean up trash and colle … 2:00-4:00 Juventino M.
Clean up - Put away tables, banners, and canopies. Clean up trash and colle … 2:00-4:00 Cesar E.
Clean up - Put away tables, banners, and canopies. Clean up trash and colle … 2:00-4:00 Allison A.