ArtNight signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

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FRIDAY, March 13@ The Paseo Shopping Mall, in front of H+M
An info email will be sent out the week of the event.
Dress Code: Please wear black bottoms and a fuchsia pink or white shirt. You will be on your feet for a while, so make sure you have comfy shoes.
This is an outdoor event. Please wear warm clothes.

Other: We will be providing bottled water and pizza

5 PM Orientation. Ask for Teresa. We will be going over ground rules and questions for helping.
6 PM- Event starts
9:50 PM -Event ends

Tasks will include- counting, passing out stickers, and encouraging sign-ups to our email list.

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What When Who
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Kathy L.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Dorn T.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Arantza P.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Vicky N.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Joshua L.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Candice L.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Sebastian P.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Daniela A.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Chelsea M.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Emily M.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm vanessa m.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Pamela T.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Sandra C.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Jessica H.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Mandy H.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Xifeng L.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm David T.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Chelsea K.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Tina Y.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Kenneth C.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Jasmine C.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Heidi C.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Stefani A.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Aaron R.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Rosy S.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Itzel M.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Elsa L.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Junpeng L.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Andrew H.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Jasmine S.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Crystal E.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Mary C.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Jackson X.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Hoang T.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Lina T.
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Not filled
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Not filled
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Not filled
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Not filled
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Not filled
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Not filled
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Not filled
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Not filled
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Not filled
Counting, passing out swag, and encouraging sign-ups 5pm-9:50pm Not filled