Colorado West Marching Festival - Volunteers for Lunch service to Judges - 10/2/2021 - Stocker Stadium _Vaccine & Mask Required! signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

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The annual Colorado West Marching Festival is on October 2nd, 2021 (Saturday). The CHS Band Boosters have offered to provide lunch and snacks for the judges, clinicians, and volunteers who work this event. Volunteers need to be there for set up and serving, but should be done around noon, with plenty of time to watch the Marching Warriors perform.

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What When Who
Set up and Serve lunch to Judges, Clinicians, & Volunteers at Festival 10/2/2021 - 9am-12noon Jennifer S.
Set up and Serve lunch to Judges, Clinicians, & Volunteers at Festival 10/2/2021 - 9am-12noon Telicia C.
Set up and Serve lunch to Judges, Clinicians, & Volunteers at Festival 10/2/2021 - 9am-12noon Kim K.
Set up and Serve lunch to Judges, Clinicians, & Volunteers at Festival 10/2/2021 - 9am-12noon Kate G.
Back up person in case someone can't make it (could be short notice) 10/2/2021- 9am-12noon Not filled