Midweek Potluck, April 24, 6:30pm signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

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Potluck fellowship on the last Wednesday of every month. This will replace all normally scheduled ministries on those Wednesdays. Sign up below!

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What When Who
Provide Taco Meat Rachael M.
Provide Taco Meat Preston B.
Provide Taco Meat Melissa G.
Provide Taco Meat Tabetha C.
Provide Taco Meat Amy S.
Provide Tortillas and Taco Shells Tina R.
Provide Tortillas and Taco Shells Melissa G.
Provide Tortillas and Taco Shells Tabetha C.
Provide Tortillas and Taco Shells Melly M.
Provide Tortillas and Taco Shells Amy S.
Provide Chips and Salsa Tina R.
Provide Chips and Salsa Elizabeth L.
Provide Chips and Salsa Lyndsey J.
Provide Chips and Salsa Cindy R.
Provide Chips and Salsa Jennifer S.
Provide Lettuce and Tomatoes Jeanetta A.
Provide Lettuce and Tomatoes Melly M.
Provide Lettuce and Tomatoes Melissa L.
Provide Lettuce and Tomatoes Not filled
Provide Lettuce and Tomatoes Not filled
Provide Cheese and Sour Cream Preston B.
Provide Cheese and Sour Cream Melly M.
Provide Cheese and Sour Cream Jennifer S.
Provide Cheese and Sour Cream Pam K.
Provide Cheese and Sour Cream Joyce H.
Kitchen Prep Team (Prepare Iced Tea & Water, Set Out Utensils, Etc.) 6pm Jeanetta A.
Kitchen Prep Team (Prepare Iced Tea & Water, Set Out Utensils, Etc.) 6pm Rachael M.
Kitchen Prep Team (Prepare Iced Tea & Water, Set Out Utensils, Etc.) 6pm Tabetha C.
Set Up Chairs & Tables 6pm , Byron B.
Set Up Chairs & Tables 6pm Zach J.
Set Up Chairs & Tables 6pm Cindy R.
Set Up Chairs & Tables 6pm Not filled
Set Up Chairs & Tables 6pm Not filled
Break Down Chairs & Tables 8pm Not filled
Break Down Chairs & Tables 8pm Not filled
Break Down Chairs & Tables 8pm Not filled
Break Down Chairs & Tables 8pm Not filled
Break Down Chairs & Tables 8pm Not filled
Cleaning Crew (Sweep, Mop, Clean Kitchen) 8pm Not filled
Cleaning Crew (Sweep, Mop, Clean Kitchen) 8pm Not filled
Cleaning Crew (Sweep, Mop, Clean Kitchen) 8pm Not filled
Cleaning Crew (Sweep, Mop, Clean Kitchen) 8pm Not filled
Cleaning Crew (Sweep, Mop, Clean Kitchen) 8pm Not filled