Ticket sales, afterparties 2020 signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

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Afterpartyt pidetään El Aticolla. Ensimmäisessä vuorossa tehtävänä on lipunmyynti ja etukäteen ostettujen rannekkeiden tarkistus. Toisessa vuorossa tehtävänä on huolehtia Aticon ovipuhelimesta ja päästää tulijat sisään, mutta sisäänpääsymaksu tapahtuu klo 04 jälkeen itsepalveluperiaatteella.

Afterparties take place at El Atico. The first shift consists of selling tickets and checking pre-purchased milonga passes. The second shift is taking care of the door phone and letting people in, but the entrance fee is paid as self-service after 4 AM.

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What When Credits Who
Ticket seller / Lipunmyyjä Night between Fri&Sat Feb 22nd at 02-04 2.00 NAZARENA D.
Door&phone watcher / Ovi-&puhelinvahti (self service for tickets) Night between Fri&Sat Feb 22nd 04-06 2.00 Not filled
Ticket seller / Lipunmyyjä Night between Sat&Sun Feb 23rd at 02-04 2.00 Not filled
Door&phone watcher / Ovi-&puhelinvahti (self service for tickets) Night between Sat&Sun Feb 23rd at 04-06 2.00 Not filled