2023 RU Fast Hospitality Feb. 25-26 signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

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Here is the sign-up sheet to bring food to the RU Fast competition 2023. All volunteers and coaches have access to the hospitality room for lunch and snacks.

If you signed up to volunteer for a position, why not also bring in a food pot or platter and earn extra credits by doing so.

If you have not signed up for any other positions, you can complete your volunteer commitment by bringing in food. If you sign up to bring multiple food pots or platters, you can earn enough credits towards your volunteer hours.

Thank you all for signing up to make this event a success.

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What When Credits Who
Hosting Bring (2 Bags) 160x9ml creamers for coffee - Friday Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Jessie B.
Hosting Bring 48x100g+ various small flav. yogurt cups - Friday Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Amanda M.
Hosting Bring baked cookies or sweets to feed 40 - Friday Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Chantal B.
Hosting Bring baked cookies or sweets to feed 40 - Friday Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Chantal B.
Hosting Bring baked cookies or sweets to feed 40 - Friday Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Erin T.
Hosting Bring baked cookies or sweets to feed 40 - Friday Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Emily M.
Hosting Bring Gluten free goodies to feed 20 - Friday Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Gina B.
Hosting Bring 1 box of Lay's chips variety pack Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Aimee J.
Hosting Bring 1 box of Lay's chips variety pack Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Jessie B.
Hosting Bring 1 box of Lay's chips variety pack Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Jessie B.
Hosting Bring muffins to serve 24 - Friday Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Mary B.
Hosting Bring muffins to serve 24 - Friday Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Chantal B.
Hosting Bring muffins to serve 24 - Friday Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Jessie B.
Hosting Bring mini chocolates (individually-wrapped) to feed 96+ - Friday Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Chantal B.
Hosting Bring mini chocolates (individually-wrapped) to feed 96+ - Friday Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Chantal B.
Hosting Bring mini chocolates (individually-wrapped) to feed 96+ - Friday Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Mark J.
Hosting Bring mini chocolates (individually-wrapped) to feed 96+ - Friday Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Jessie B.
Hosting Bring donuts or pastry to serve 24 - Saturday Saturday by 10.30am 2.00 Matthew R.
Hosting Bring donuts or pastry to serve 24 - Saturday Saturday by 10.30am 2.00 Autumn W.
Hosting Bring donuts or pastry to serve 24 - Saturday Saturday by 10.30am 2.00 Jessie B.
Hosting Bring baked cookies or sweets to feed 40 - Saturday Saturday by 01:00pm 2.00 Kelsey R.
Hosting Bring baked cookies or sweets to feed 40 - Saturday Saturday by 01:00pm 2.00 Nancy J.
Hosting Bring baked cookies or sweets to feed 40 - Saturday Saturday by 01:00pm 2.00 Jessie B.
Hosting Bring baked cookies or sweets to feed 40 - Saturday Saturday by 01:00pm 2.00 Jessie B.
Hosting Bring croissant, strudel not muffins etc to serve 24 - Saturday Saturday by 01:00pm 2.00 Gina B.
Hosting Bring croissant, strudel not muffins etc to serve 24 - Saturday Saturday by 01:00pm 2.00 Jessie B.
Hosting Bring 3 x 5lb+ bag mandarins/small oranges - Friday Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Lesley K.
Hosting Bring 3 x 5lb+ bag small apples - Friday Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Jessie B.
Hosting Bring 15lb+ bananas - Friday Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 1.00 Patricia S.
Hosting Bring donuts or pastry to serve 24 - Sunday Sunday by 10.30am 2.00 Mary B.
Hosting Bring donuts or pastry to serve 24 - Sunday Sunday by 10.30am 2.00 Patricia S.
Hosting Bring donuts or pastry to serve 24 - Sunday Sunday by 10.30am 2.00 Chris W.
Hosting Bring baked cookies or sweets to feed 40 - Sunday Sunday by 10.30am 2.00 MARIE D.
Hosting Bring baked cookies or sweets to feed 40 - Sunday Sunday by 10.30am 2.00 Nancy J.
Hosting Bring baked cookies or sweets to feed 40 - Sunday Sunday by 10.30am 2.00 Chris W.
Hosting Bring baked cookies or sweets to feed 40 - Sunday Sunday by 10.30am 2.00 Nancy n.
Hosting Bring croissant, strudel no muffins etc to serve 24 - Sunday Sunday by 10.30am 2.00 Mary B.
Hosting Bring croissant, strudel no muffins etc to serve 24 - Sunday Sunday by 10.30am 2.00 Nancy J.
Hosting Bring 2 x 125+ (8.7in) Paper Luncheon Plates - Friday Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 2.00 Patricia S.
Hosting Bring 400 x 7oz Recyclable large Cups for coffee Friday betwn 6pm - 8pm 1.00 Gina B.