Beginner Tri & Swap Meet 06/18/23 signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

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We will meet at Glorietta Bay at 6am to set up. Participants are instructed to arrive at 6:30. We will have a talk re transition, racing, all things tri at 7am. The race begins at 8am. Swap meet at 9am. Duties of volunteers include greeting people, help with course setup, tent/food setup and clean up.

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What When Who
Volunteer - duties will be assigned on day of race 6am - 10am james I.
Volunteer - duties will be assigned on day of race 6am - 10am Elba I.
Volunteer - duties will be assigned on day of race 6am - 10am Ruth S.
Volunteer - duties will be assigned on day of race 6am - 10am Miguel A.
Volunteer - duties will be assigned on day of race 6am - 10am Darlene H.
Volunteer - duties will be assigned on day of race 6am - 10am Les S.
Volunteer - duties will be assigned on day of race 6am - 10am Elaine G.
Volunteer - duties will be assigned on day of race 6am - 10am Leon P.
Volunteer - duties will be assigned on day of race 6am - 10am Not filled
Volunteer - duties will be assigned on day of race 6am - 10am Not filled
Volunteer - duties will be assigned on day of race 6am - 10am Not filled
Volunteer - duties will be assigned on day of race 6am - 10am Not filled
Volunteer - duties will be assigned on day of race 6am - 10am Not filled
Volunteer - duties will be assigned on day of race 6am - 10am Not filled
Volunteer - duties will be assigned on day of race 6am - 10am Not filled