FIELD DAY March 16, 2024 signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

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Get the fields ready and the snack bar and bathrooms cleaned and sanitized. Bring tools like shoves, wheel barrows, rakes, gloves or your favorite cleaning supplies. If you cannot commit please save the date and message our FB to see if we might still need you. Thank you!!

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What When Who
Pull weeds around stands and fields 10am Samantha B.
Pull weeds around stands and fields 10am Michelle B.
Pull weeds around stands and fields 10am Kris B.
Pull weeds around stands and fields 10am Not filled
Pull weeds around stands and fields 10am Not filled
Pull weeds in woodchips 11am Michelle B.
Pull weeds in woodchips 11am Samantha B.
Pull weeds in woodchips 11am Kris B.
Pull weeds in woodchips 11am Not filled
Pull weeds in woodchips 11am Not filled
Odds and ends 11am to 1pm Samantha B.
Odds and ends 11am to 1pm Michelle B.
Odds and ends 11am to 1pm Kris B.
Work on bull pens 10am Not filled
Work on bull pens 10am Not filled
Cleaning snackbar 10am to 1pm Terra C.
Cleaning snackbar 10am to 1pm Jennisah G.
Cleaning snackbar 10am to 1pm Colin G.
Clean bathrooms 10am Not filled
Clean bathrooms 10am Not filled