2021 CLP Registration (Classroom Liaison Person) signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

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If you are interested in registering as a CLP for your child's classroom please follow the links below to show your interest.

What skills do I need to be a CLP?
Ideally a CLP will have good communication skills. Feel confident to approach the classroom teacher to introduce themselves and advise them of their role and invite teachers to use you as an additional means of communicating with classroom parents. The CLP may choose to become a P&C member though there is no obligation to do so. Though will be added to a P&C mailing list and possible Facebook Group to receive information from P&C to share with other parents via e-mail or Facebook or sms, depending on how your classroom decides to communicate. The CLP will upload excursion/incursion notices to the class facebook group. And with the classroom teacher's permission any other notes that go home to parents.

Benefits of the CLP & Facebook group for every class:
• Families can build a community within their individual year levels and classrooms
• Parents can communicate reminders about classroom events
• Parents can plan social activities out of school hours and develop community ties
• Parents with shared custody will have consistent access to classroom information
• New families can be welcomed to the school community by giving them immediate access to families of their children’s peers
• There is also the option (not an obligation at all) for teachers to provide information to the CLP to share in the group on their behalf. Suggestions may include: laundry rosters, parent help rosters/requests, notifications of class parties, reminders for homework folders etc etc
• To engage more families in P&C fundraising projects at a level they are comfortable with
• Classroom teachers have a CLP who they can provide P&C requests to take to meetings (with Principal’s permission)

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What Who
W3 - CLP Representative Not filled
W2 - CLP Representative Not filled
W1 - CLP Representative Rebecca B.
W4 - CLP Representative Not filled
W5 - CLP Representative Hannah K.
W6- Pelicans - CLP Representative Not filled
W6 - Stingrays - CLP Representative Ashley C.
W7 - Dolphins - CLP Representative Not filled
W7 - Penguins - CLP Representative Not filled
W8 - CLP Representative Samantha L.
S3 - CLP Representative Not filled
S4 - CLP Representative Lee E.
S5 - CLP Representative Rebecca B.
S6 - CLP Representative Ashley C.
S7 - CLP Representative Not filled
P7 - CLP Representative Not filled
P8 - CLP Representative Not filled
P9 - CLP Representative Not filled
P10 - CLP Representative Not filled
C11 - CLP Representative Not filled
C12 - CLP Representative Not filled
C13 - CLP Representative Not filled
C14 - CLP Representative Not filled
C15 - CLP Representative Not filled
C16 - CLP Representative Not filled
C17 - CLP Representative Not filled
C18 - CLP Representative Not filled
C19 - CLP Representative Casey F.
C20 - CLP Representative Not filled
C21 - CLP Representative Not filled