11/16 Holiday Bazaar signup sheet

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Booster Fundraiser Holiday Bazaar. Parent volunteers are needed for Concessions, Booster Booth, set up and coolers (This is just for parent volunteers, as cadets will sign up in their classroom)

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What When Credits Who
Open & Set Up Bazaar - Set-Up Vendors 8am - 10am 3.00 Lisa J.
Open & Set Up Bazaar - Set-Up Vendors 8am - 10am 3.00 Dacyndle W.
Open & Set Up Bazaar - Set-Up Vendors 8am - 10am 3.00 Sharon G.
Open & Set Up Bazaar - Set-Up Vendors 8am - 10am 3.00 Heather M.
Board Mbr or Fundraising Committee Member In charge (inc Door Prizes) 10:00am - 12:30pm 2.50 Lyssa B.
Board Mbr or Fundraising Committee Member In charge (inc Door Prizes) 12:30pm - 3:00pm 2.50 Lyssa B.
JROTC Booster Club Booth Worker (Supervise cadets and take money) 10:00am - 12:30pm 2.50 Lisa J.
JROTC Booster Club Booth Worker(Supervise cadets and take money) 12:30pm - 3pm 2.50 Karen L.
Concession Stand Workers (Set-up and start coffee) 8am - 10am 2.00 Tonia G.
Concession Stand Workers (Set-up and start coffee) 8am - 10am 2.00 Jason G.
Concession Stand Workers 10am-12:30pm 2.50 Dacyndle W.
Concession Stand Workers 10am-12:30pm 2.50 Griselda C.
Concession Stand Workers(man & Break Down) 12:30pm - 3pm 2.50 Devra W.
Concession Stand Workers(man & Break Down) 12:30pm - 3pm 2.50 Tonia G.
Oversee Clean up of Bazaar (tape removal, trash, floors, storage,signs) 2pm -4pm 2.00 Devra W.
LOAN Cooler with 2 bags of ice each cooler 8am drop off and 4pm pick up 1.00 Sharon G.
LOAN Cooler with 2 bags of ice each cooler 8am drop off and 4pm pick up 1.00 December G.
LOAN Cooler with 2 bags of ice each cooler 8am drop off and 4pm pick up 1.00 Krista G.
LOAN Cooler with 2 bags of ice each cooler 8am drop off and 4pm pick up 1.00 Not filled