HSA Special Lunches May/June signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

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Special Lunches for May/June include:
Chicken Tenders
French Toast Sticks
Field Day--hamburgers/hotdogs

These lunches can only happen with your help.

You are the one in charge of the Special lunch so the tasks are:
Collecting order slips that are sent home to you (in your child’s folder.)
Organizing a running tally of all orders for each child in each grade, and sending it to teachers the morning of Special lunch.
Collaborating with the Volunteers to assure accurate counts, purchasing food, and making sure the day runs smoothly.

Volunteers - 1 fundraising point
Your commitment is vital! You are needed to help make the day run smoothly! Your duties include helping serve the food and cleaning up after the lunch.

When filling in your information, PLEASE include your child's grade in parentheses after your name so we are able to calculate your points easily. If your child's last name is different from yours, please also include that information. ie: Parent Jones (kid Smith 4A)

Be sure to check back often for last minute openings, we need ALL positions filled for a smooth operation


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What When Who
Chicken Tenders Chair Person Starting April 22nd - May 4th 10am - 1:30pm Regina P.
Chicken Tenders Lunch May 4th 9:45am - 1:30pm Teri B.
Chicken Tenders Lunch May 4th 9:45am - 1:30pm Not filled
Chicken Tenders Lunch May 4th 9:45am - 1:30pm Not filled
French Toast Sticks Chair Person Starting April 29th - May 11th 10am - 1:30pm Jamie (3B) M.
French Toast Sticks Lunch May 11th 9:45am- 1:30pm Patty U.
French Toast Sticks Lunch May 11th 9:45am- 1:30pm maria v.
French Toast Sticks Lunch May 11th 9:45am- 1:30pm Not filled
Field Day Lunch Hamburgers/Hotdogs Chair People Starting May 6th - May 21st 10am - 1:30pm Amanda (4A) T.
Field Day Lunch Hamburgers/Hotdogs Chair People Starting May 6th - May 21st 10am - 1:30pm Teri B.
Field Day Lunch Hamburgers/Hotdogs Chair People Starting May 6th - May 21st 10am - 1:30pm Tracy N.
Field Day Lunch May 21st 9:45am - 1:30pm Evelyn S.
Field Day Lunch May 21st 9:45am - 1:30pm Patty U.
Field Day Lunch May 21st 9:45am - 1:30pm Cecilia C.
Field Day Lunch May 21st 9:45am - 1:30pm Jamie M.
Field Day Lunch May 21st 9:45am - 1:30pm Silvia O.
Field Day Lunch May 21st 9:45am - 1:30pm Donna A.
Pizza Day Starting May13th - May 27th 10am - 1:30pm Tracy N.
Pizza Day Lunch May 27th 10am - 1:30pm Kathy (7B) S.
Pizza Day Lunch May 27th 10am - 1:30pm Chuck (7A) M.
Pizza Day Lunch May 27th 10am - 1:30pm Not filled
Pasta Chair Person Starting May 20th - June 3rd 10am - 1:30pm Not filled
Pasta Lunch June 3rd 9:45am - 1:30pm Maria V.
Pasta Lunch June 3rd 9:45am - 1:30pm Derrick (Meghan Fraser, 7B) F.
Pasta Lunch June 3rd 9:45am - 1:30pm Not filled
Pizza Day Starting May 27th - June 10th 10am - 1:30pm Tracy N.
Pizza Day Lunch June 10th 10am - 1:30pm Teri B.
Pizza Day Lunch June 10th 10am - 1:30pm Kathy (7B) S.
Pizza Day Lunch June 10th 10am - 1:30pm Chuck (7A) M.
Snack Cart May 4th 10:45am - 1pm Kelli (mikenzie 4a) F.
Snack Cart May 6th 10:45am - 1pm Diana I.
Snack Cart May 11th 10:45am - 1pm Kelli (mikenzie 4a) F.
Snack Cart May 13th 10:45am - 1pm Regina P.
Snack Cart May 18th 10:45am - 1pm Kelli (mikenzie 4a) F.
Snack Cart May 20th 10:45am - 1pm Diana I.
Snack Cart May 25th 10:45am - 1pm Kelli (mikenzie 4a) F.
Snack Cart May 27th 10:45am - 1pm Not filled
Snack Cart June 1st 10:45am - 1pm Kelli (mikenzie 4a) F.
Snack Cart June 3rd 10:45am - 1pm Kelli F.
Snack Cart June 8th 10:45am - 1pm Kelli F.
Snack Cart June 11th 10:45am - 1pm Kelli (mikenzie 4a) F.