High Island Sanctuary Work Days signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Work parties are held once a month, October through March on the second Saturday of the month. We meet at the Boy Scout Woods Shop (at the intersection of 5th Street and Goodman Street) and start work around 8:30 AM and work until about noon, when we break for lunch, provided by Houston Audubon and prepared by the lunch crew.

After lunch, staff takes about an hour to tie up any loose ends and clean up. Volunteers are welcome to help more at this point, walk around and do some birding, or simply get on the road to beat traffic! Please bring plenty of ice water your own refillable water bottles.

Show volunteers

What and when
October Work Party
Saturday, Oct 14th, 8:30am-12pm
Tony D., Marylene C., Cathy C., Joseph C., David S., Hansel M., Barbara T., Paige M., Makenzie M., Roger M.,
November Work Party
Saturday, Nov 11th, 8:30am-12pm
Lan P., Joan W., Claire I., Brian A., Vickie A., Jane R., Tony D., Marylene C., David S., Bernice and Ed J., Bill M., Santiago Q.,
December Work Party
Saturday, Dec 9th, 8:30am-12pm
Lan P., Joan W., Raul S., Raul S., Joaquin S., Paula W., Richard W., Brian A., Vickie A., Michelle B., Bronson B., Roger M., Saul L., Elizabeth S., David S.,
January Work Party
Saturday, Jan 13th, 8:30am-12pm
Lan P., Joan W., Brian A., Vickie A., David B., Michelle B., Bronson B., Stanley A., Sandra K., Michell H., Emiliano H., Bernice and Ed J., Tony D., Marylene C., Elizabeth H., Francisco C., Ruby C., Nancy C., David S., Bill M.,
February Work Party
Saturday , Feb 10th, 8:30am-12pm
Lan P., Joan W., Gary R., Francisco C., Nancy C., David S., Bernice and Ed J., Brian A., Dan C., Nicholas H., Samuel H., gene & dee s., Elizabeth H., Stanley A., Abby B., Cailynn M., Jeanie U., Bernice and Ed J., Brian L.,
March Work Party
Saturday, Mar 9th, 8:30am-12pm
Lan P., Joan W., Brian A., Vickie A., Bernice and Ed J., Christina F., Dan C., Eliezer O., Stanley A., Katherine E., Madison T., Alyssa C., kayla g., Rylie D., gio g., Yann D., Kristen A., Tiffany L., David S., Cindy F., Roger M., Bill M., Abby B., Amy L., Karen F.,
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