Nurse Volunteers: People's Center April 22 and May 20 signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Please sign up below to volunteer at a vaccine event at People's Center (425 20th Ave S) on Thursday, April 22nd and May 20th (9am-4pm). Everyone who volunteers can either sign up to receive a vaccine or can 'give a vaccine' to a designated loved one (Moderna). If you want a vaccine or want to 'designate one' - please email Katie Clark (clarkk@augsburg) as soon as you can as space is limited.

Greeters and form helpers will be asked to help direct people where to go, assist people with form help if needed, and other activities on site.

Nurse vaccinators will help distribute the vaccine. There will be a NP on site to monitor people post-injection

Thanks for your consideration!

Show volunteers

What and when
Nurse Vaccinator
Thursday, April 22 9am-12:30pm
Katie W., Emily T., Ayan A.,
Nurse Vaccinator
Thursday, April 22 12:30pm-4pm
Jenna N., Trang H., Kaija F.,
Nurse Vaccinator
Thursday, May 20 9am-12:30pm
Emily T., Jenna N., Ayan A.,
Nurse Vaccinator
Thursday, May 20 12:30pm-4pm
Theresa R., Bethsaida T.,
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