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Religious Education at Sunnyhill will be structured a bit differently this year to meet the needs of Sunnyhill families and our growing program. All RE Families are expected to contribute to the program in some way.
Please select one or more of the following options:
1. Jr. Youth Group - Full-year assignment during the second service, volunteers will rotate so there are 2 per Sunday. Total time commitment will depend on number of volunteers. Classes are for 4th - 8th Graders. All materials and lesson plans provided.
2. Religious Education - One month of co-teaching. Please select one or more sessions. The first service will be one RE Class for PreK-6th Grade, the second service will be either PreK-3rd (see above for older kids!). All materials and lesson plans provided.
3. RE Substitute - "On Call" to jump in if there is a need on Sunday morning.
4. Event Planners - Will work with the DRE or the Event Chair to lead activities for the event listed.
5. Youth Group Leader - Full-year assignment during the second service, volunteers will rotate so there are 2 per Sunday. Total time commitment will depend on number of volunteers. Will also include events and activities off-site. Youth Group is for students in grades 9 - 12.
All RE Volunteers are required to submit PA Clearances.