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Help illuminate the holiday season when you volunteer for a Light Up the Tracks Celebration team! We need friendly volunteers aged 14 and older. Teams include...
*Illuminated Costume Contest Ticket Takers either stand at the DAA booth and give our raffle tickets or walk about the event giving away raffle tickets. They tell ticket holders to write down their phone number to claim their prize at the DAA booth by 8 PM that night.
*Vendor Directors are given a map to help vendors find where they are setting up
*DAA Booth attendants man the Downtown Ashland Association booth, sell ornaments, pass out maps, and hand out illuminated costume contest raffle tickets
*Ashland Christmas Market Crews and Greeters help set up, break down, and greet Ashland Christmas Market guests
[Please note: email accounts do not accept communication from our server. Please use an alternate email address to sign-up below. We are forced to remove volunteers who list a school email, because we cannot communicate with them.]