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Fit-A-Thon 2025 signup sheet

Help us raise funds for our school and give the kids a FUN day of healthy activities. Students will warm up, run through an obstacle course, and end with stretching and healthy snacks.
Volunteers are needed throughout the day. Jobs include setting up and breaking down the the course, helping students at each station, and monitoring the kids. Volunteers will be provided refreshments and get a chance to cheer on our students!

To sign up, select a row below

Show volunteers

What and when
Assemble obstacles day before (requires lifting/moving heavy items)
2/20 1-2 PM
Keila R., Destiny N., Ismael M.,
Set up stations day before
2/20 1-2 PM
Becky B.,
Set up morning of event
2/21 7:15-8:00 am
Mayra C., Nahal M., Esmeralda B., Andrea C., Anthony M., Unakem K., Marissa S., Yaneth B.,
Event shift 1 (TK, Kindergarten classes on course)
2/21 8-9:30 am
Show 28 names Laura C., Rose D., Mayra C., Eyvette B., Emily S., Keila R., Jeannette R., Jacob K., Denise L., Mavalyn V., Jazmine A., Marisol P., Harkteckar T., Rachel S., Ariel C., Jodie C., Bildad B., Perla H., Rim S., Andrea C., Anthony M., Destiny N., Destiny N., Audra S., Yolleta B., Tiana T., Samantha O., Sarah B.,
Event shift 2 (1st, 2nd, 4th grade classes on course)
2/21 9:30-11:45 am
Show 28 names Laura C., Christen C., Claudia G., Mayra C., Gina L., Ashley P., Keila R., Sheila D., Jacob K., Mavalyn V., Ivan H., nancy n., nancy n., Becky B., Kimberly A., Kevin G., Cristina R., Jessica O., Sarah S., Bildad B., Andrea C., Anthony M., Audra S., Justine A., Ashley M., Ashley M., Cinnamon J., Gloria G.,
Event shift 3 (3rd, 4th and 5th grade classes on course)
2/21 12:15-1:45 pm
Show 20 names Christen C., Eyvette B., Emily S., Ashley P., Keila R., Jeannette R., Sarah S., Nahal M., Alyssa G., Andrea C., Anthony M., Sulma O., Daniel B., Audra S., Cinnamon J., Cinnamon J., Ismael M., Marissa S., Linda J., Patty M.,
Warm Up activity leader
2/21 8:00-11 am
Megan S.,
Warm Up activity leader
2/21 11 am-1:45 pm (w/ 30 min lunch break)
Clean up
2/21 1:45-2:45 pm
Laura C., Mavalyn V., Ivan H., Christen C., Andrea C., Anthony M., Tracee S.,
Disassemble/store obstacles (requires lifting/moving heavy objects)
2/21 1:45-2:45 pm
Andrea C., Anthony M.,
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