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Foothills Nordic Ski Club Year End Party signup sheet

FNSC is hosting a year end party for all levels.

Silver Springs Community Association, (5720 Silver Ridge Dr NW, Calgary, AB T3B 5E5) Date: April 1 (Saturday),
Time: 11:00-2:30,
Place: Silver Springs Community Centre ( I have the kitchen and boardroom booked - the former for any food prep, the latter in case it is inclement so the food tables will not be outside),
Big trailer BBQ by Spartan Controls, thanks to Jim Parsons, hotdogs by Foothills, else by potluck.
Fun and games courtesy and thanks to the JR coaching crew.

Please sign up indicating the number of people coming and what you are bringing.

To sign up, select a row below

Show volunteers

Yes I'm attending: Biathlon
Oliver B., William B., Jenny H., clara N., Nicolas N., Megan B., Daniel S., Polina S., Jodi and Gabrielle B., Emma O., Jill/Pat R., Jill R., Berg E., Faith v., Clara v., Noah H., Jane B., Marcus S., Andrew S., Matt N., Max S., Wallis S., Joseph M., Aidan & Doug L., Willem D., Katya D., Annie L., Simon G., François G., Philippe G., Kim S., Peter R., Dennis R., Dennis R., Oleg R.,
Yes I'm attending: XC
lucas N., Lee L., Alison G., Josephina I., Megan I., Milaine T., Xavier M., Anna P., Ben P., Jonathan W., Ewan W., Hugh O., Ella S., Sam S., Mack S., Joshua L., Katya L., Leanne Y., Julia H., Althea B., Tegan B., Jeremy D., Nicole G., Jackson H., Sloane F.,
Yes I'm attending: Track Attack, Marmots
Leanne G., Caitlin I., Boyd H., Gavan W., Amelia R., Abigail O., Nicholas H.,
Yes I'm attending: JR+, JR, B
Tamsyn F., Ciara I., Paige E., Bromle C., Teagan C., Spencer C., Hallie H., Josie H., Nicholas L., Amelia R., Renzo and Luisa A., Hugh O., Jane L., Peter L., Jet L.,
Yes I'm attending: parent, etc
George B., anne & rod N., Neal & Michelle G., Olga N., Karsten N., Daniel N., Kimberly I., Gino I., Kathryn E., David E., Gavin E., Jackie & Pete I., Milaine T., Robin M., Ashley C., Marlo H., Matt H., Ian L., Michelle & Onil D., Jorge and Debra A., Dan & Nancy Osness O., Ali S., Bruce S., Kira and Brian E., Kevin and Ann L., Blain v., Grace v., Sarah L., John L., Barbara H., John H., Justin S., Lori M., Diane M., Gordon M., Tim and Denise H., Masten B., Diane S., Pam and Jim D., Dave/Tracy G., Greg H., Nekolina L., Grand & Aksel L., Mary B.,
I'm bringing: Salad
Rosie H., Ewan W., Michelle & Onil D., Jodi or Marc B., Debra A., Nancy O., Bruce S., Jill/Pat R., Ann L., Sarah L., Andrew S., Matt N., Lori M., Pam and Jim D.,
I'm bringing: Dessert
anne & rod N., Meatballs K., Kathryn E., Jackie & Pete I., Matt H., Denise W., Denise, Alexandra, Luke H., Kira and Brian E., Grace v., Poldi G., Barbara H., Jane B., Justin S., Diane M., Tim and Denise H., Doug L., Annie L., Dave G., Robin M., Diane H.,
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