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Committee Planners for all events needed!! signup sheet

Great way to get involved and support the PTA! We have a few of our larger events taking place thru the year and we need your help to make them happen! Please sign up if you can spare any time and want to help planning one of the below events.

To sign up, select a row below

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What and when
Teach Or Treat Event Planners- Ellie Rust and Anna Combe
The event takes place after school on 10/24. We need help setting up for the night of the event, taking candy back to the PTA room the 2 weeks leading up to the event, communicate with teachers regarding candy donations, etc.
Danielle B., Katie J., Allysha R., Amanda P.,
Game Truck Event Planner- Anna Combe
The event takes place at school in November. We need help planning the schedule for the day of, letting teachers know who will be leaving class that day for the Game Truck, communicating with the office so they know who will be going when.
Ellie R., MARIA S.,
Donuts With Your Favorite Guy Event Planner- Samantha Thurber
The event takes place on 12/6. We need help picking up coffee, donuts, etc. the morning of. We also need help with odds and ends for this event. ONLY MOMS SIGN UP PLEASE.. We don't like Dad's to have to work on this one!
Phyllis L., Hayley P., Ashley M.,
Muffins With Your Favorite Gal Event Planner- Curtis Fletcher
The event takes place on 2/7/2025. ONLY DUDES SIGN UP on this one please! We don't like our Maam's to have to work on this one!
Cougarnival Event Planners- Chris Stratton and Bonni Beveridge
The event takes place on 4/4/2024. We need help contacting and scheduling vendors, assigning volunteers for the night of and organizing all moving parts. This is our biggest event of the year. The more help the better!
Danielle B., Phyllis L., Phyllis L., Allysha R., Ellie R., MARIA S., Tiffany C.,
Boosterthon Fundraiser Goal Planner- Curtis Fletcher
ASAP. We need to brainstorm and narrow down our fundraising goal for Boosterthon this year to promote more efficiently.
Danielle B., Amanda P.,
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