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Buckeye Walks with Ned Fritz Legacy & North Texas Master Naturalists signup sheet

Join us on a four mile hike on the newly re-discovered historic trail, the Bios d’Arc Trail. It is near the newly restored Ned and Genie Fritz Texas Buckeye Trail.

This trail tends to be muddy in spring, STRONGLY recommend rubber boots or hiking boots. Walking sticks a plus.

Address: 2988 Municipal Street (South end of Municipal Street) Dallas, Texas 75215
Google Map:,+Dallas,+TX+75215/@32.7429597,-96.750603,16z/data=!4m15!1m8!3m7!1s0x864e9875a772cf53:0xa4922d3bf8fc64fe!2sMunicipal+St,+Dallas,+TX+75215!3b1!8m2!3d32.7429597!4d-96.7454532!16s%2Fg%2F1tfm1w8z!3m5!1s0x864e9875a772cf53:0xa4922d3bf8fc64fe!8m2!3d32.7429597!4d-96.7454532!16s%2Fg%2F1tfm1w8z?entry=ttu

For more information on the incredible history of the trails and their founder, please visit Ned Fritz Legacy

Optional lunch on Saturdays after walk at the Market @ Bonton Farms

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What and when
WALKERS SIGN-UP HERE for Steve Smith's walk on the Bois D'Arc Trail
4/13, Sat. 10a - 12
Shelby S., Ashton T., Charlie M., Steve P., Jen W., Max M., Kristi Kerr L., Chuck W., Eli B., Sandra H., Katherine B., Teresa G., John S., Ella S.,
Leader: Steve Smith
4/13, Sat. 9:45a - 12
Steve S.,
Greeter & Sign-in
4/13, Sat. 9:45a - 12
Kristi Kerr L.,
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