Field of Flags 2020 signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Help us with one of our signature community events! We and hundreds of volunteers will create a majestic field of flags at the War Memorial Center for the 75th Commemoration of the end of WWII. In 2020, we will plant at the Gen. Douglas MacArthur Monument, 2,972 flags representing every brave Milwaukee service member who gave his or her life defending our country during World War II. The completed garden is a breathtaking tribute and a powerful message of community support for these fallen heroes that their sacrifices will never be forgotten.

Please wear comfortable clothing, hats and gloves. This is an all weather event.

Show volunteers

What and when
Placing Flags
August 29th 9am
Show 150 names Curtis L. S., Rachel B., Shannon M., Jim H., Matthew M., Patrick S., Jim S., Zofia S., George B., Jeff M., Julia G., Christopher Y., Peter S., James C., Jason Y., Kristen S., Ruby S., Ann M., John K., Garry K., David C., STEPHEN G., KIT A., Jacob h., Joe and Jane D., Natalia G., Margaret O., Kenneth W., Mike M., Jolyn H., Bette J., Jeff J., Hakim M., Stephanie M., Stacy S., James H., Barbara C., Jim w., Alex G., Mitch C., Christine S., joseph s., isa l., Dale E., Jeffery N., Kate V., Samantha L., Wendy G., Brian G., Cj W., Jim W., Daniel G., Sheila J., Philip L., Lynn L., Sarah H., Steve P., Yuan P., David P., Clare P., Patricia J., kathleen R., patrick R., Suzanne E., Larry L., christian L., Dierk L., Connie B., Dan D., Kaela B., Colette B., Esabella A., Jerimy R., Charlie S., Mary R., Avery S., Paul S., Lloyd S., Matt B., Jeffrey K., Maggie K., Maddie W., Jodi W., Gert G., Janice W., Edward R., Alice A., Kim R., Andrew R., Rachel R., Noah R., Matthew K., Amy B., Sandra T., suzanne m., Shane C., Joe C., Cameron C., Marilyn C., Cole C., Monica W., Elizabeth W., Rafael T., Fay F., Jake W., Nellie O., Chris H., Mary C., Judy S., Salvadore S F., James L., karen L., field L., Mary K., Jeff B., Marie T., Nathan T., Evan B., Zack K., Dom K., Carlton H., Frederick H., Kristin S., Kali R., Kathy K., Megan S., Chris and Scott B., Jeff and Sandy T., Geraldine M., Sandi H., Laura B., Richard B., Leo J., Christian C., Sabrina L., Peggy and Jay S., Jay S., Jeff S., Bob S., Dennis C., Kathy & Dennis H., Lynn C., Jefferson D., Joan D., Robert G., DAVID L., Tom P., Cathy R., Patti H., Eva G.,
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