2023 GORGE season for TEAMS Volunteers signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Welcome to The Gorge Amphitheater season 2023 sign up for volunteers supporting TEAMS Learning Center in North Central Washington.
Volunteering for show days at the Gorge gives you the opportunity to enjoy the shows while supporting young children's brain development, parent support and Teacher education. We cook, top and sell chicken, fries and drinks to concert goers as we have fun.
Volunteers wear black pants and closed-toe shoes and a uniform shirt will be provided. Volunteers are required to have a current food handlers permit and alcohol servers permit. There is free camping and free chicken and fries to all volunteers.
Because of this funding we are able to serve approximately 100 children per day with high quality early childhood education. The Gorge amphitheater has been the backbone of our success and the only way to have a successful Gorge season is with volunteers like you!!!!
Sign up today and recruit a friend to join you! Once you sign up an email will be sent to you with further information and the links you will need to get your permits. Mor information will be emailed and volunteers will be coordinated via text prior to each show day. (509)860-1964 Teacher Joy www.teamslearningcenter.org/thegorge

Show volunteers

What and when
2023 Gorge Volunteers
Will be coordinated via text
Liz S., Teacher Joy R., Ellie G., Brandon D., Nichole G., Max C., Becka T., Kayla J., Molly H., James C., Andy W., Rene R., KAT B., Dominick B., Kaitlyn R., Katie E., Caleb D., Sol S., Liz H., Stanley C., Susan S., Naomi E., Carolina S., Marianna F., Mattisyn A., Breanna C., Shelley E., Olivia C., Tiffany S., Jessie V., Kayla G., Kristy A., Hannah W., Emelia T., Sienna P., Lynda L., Robert D., Christina N., Franklyn D., Karin V., Joanna D., Isabelle A., Anne K., Stephanie B., Madison J., Madison L., Isabella P., Aneisha C., Beth J., Chase T., Teva C., Connie C., Eric O., Carrie W., Anna S., Melissa R., River T., Libby F., Ian F., Adilene V., Isabella P., Jennifer B., Stephanie R., Sam D., Kel P., destiny b., Jennifer D., Kerry S., Fred W., Dawn W., Courtney W., Madison B., Briana C., Rocio G., Ashleigh F., Emelia T., Autumn M., Jesse P., Anlyn F., Forrest W., Danielle B., devon n.,
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