This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.
Housing and Residential Life's annual Boo Bash is taking place on Monday, October 28th from 5pm-7pm in the Tonopah Residence Hall. Volunteers are needed for various tasks that include:
Event Set Up: Includes assisting the Tonopah Resident Assistants with putting final details on their Halloween floors
Registration Table: Responsible for checking in families, checking in strollers
Tour Guide: Will guide kids and their families throughout the floors of Tonopah to view each of the decorated floors
Stairwell Monitor: Will be stationed in the stairwells to direct tours and residents
Floater: Will be assigned various tasks throughout the night
Event Clean up: Includes tear down of floors, cleaning up tables, chairs, and other materials used for the event.
Please email your t-shirt size to once you sign up for a slot. Shirt sizes cannot be guaranteed but we will make our best effort to get you your preferred size.