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SATURDAY, March 29, 2025
Pancakes will be served from 7:30-11:00 AM.
Performance Schedule is:
7:45 Winter Guard
8:00 Concert Band
8:30 Symphonic Band
9:00 6th Grade Band
9:30 7th Grade Band
10:00 8th Grade
10:30 Percussion
11:00 Jazz Band
11:30 Monster Jazz Band
Below is a description of each duty:
(PLEASE NOTE - while you sign up for specific jobs, we may need to place you in a different area if the need arises that day. Your flexibility is appreciated!)
Friday Night Set-Up: The kitchen will need some help with heavy lifting. Other jobs include setting up tables, hanging signs, and collecting donations from people dropping them off.
Concert Donation Collectors- Take donations at the auditorium doors - one person will be at each auditorium entrance
Ticket Sales- Tickets will be sold in 2 locations
Ticket Taker- Take tickets at the door to the kitchen area
Ushers- Check wristbands for the performances
Pancake Batter Mixers- Mix the pancake batter and refill dispensers for the 'flippers'
Pancake Flippers- Make pancakes on the large griddles
Sausage Makers- Sausages are placed on trays and baked in convection ovens
Pancake/Sausage Runners- Take pancakes and sausages from the cooking area to the serving area
Dishwasher- Run trays through the dishwasher, may wash a few dishes by hand
Kitchen Server- Serve customers their initial serving of pancakes & sausage behind the counter in the kitchen area
Pancake/Sausage Refills- Serve additional pancakes & sausages to people in the dining room
Drinks- Serve drinks out of the concession area in the dining room and serve additional water/coffee to people in the dining room
Coffee Maker- Make coffee and fill carafes
Table/Tray Cleaners- Wipe off tables & clean trays
Bake Sale Workers- Sell items at the bake sale tables
Silent Auction Table- Assist patrons with online bidding and check-out process - great job for tech-savvy folks
Volunteer Check-in Table- Help check-in volunteers and direct them to their position
Clean up: Clean kitchen, dining, and lobby areas at the end of the event
DONATIONS - Milk, juice, applesauce, and fruit cups should be dropped off at the high school cafeteria on Friday from 4:30-7 PM.