Scroll down to volunteer
Shuttles will run every 20 minutes from the Walmart Home Office Parking Lot to Coler Grove if you would like to park and shuttle in.
Please check in at the volunteer tent at Coler Grove each shift. There will be course marshal captains for each shift that will walk you to your station.
You will be provided a volunteer shirt. Please wear this, athletic attire, and close toed shoes you do not care to get dirty. You will have a VOLUNTEER ID badge that you will check in and check out at the hospitality tent each day. Please bring your own chair, food, and water.
Position Descriptions:
*Marshal: Course marshals help participants navigate the course, stay on course, and follow the rules as well as help navigate foot traffic to avoid collisions during races
*Taping Crew: Roll race tape across takes to mark race routes before event start
*Tear Down: Tearing down signage, tape, stakes, tents, etc. after race has finished
*Traffic Control: Aid in guiding one way traffic in and out of 12th street drive with assistance from BV Police Department (Radio Provided)
*Information/Hospitality/Media Tent: Answering patron questions, helping with registration, and refilling hospitality tent as needed
*Way finding guide: Stand at the lower end of the stairs at Airship and guide patrons to each locations they are trying to find
*Dual Slalom Starter: Must be able to lift 40lbs+ Lift start gate and jump on start gate opening pedal at top of Thunderdome
You guys rock!!!