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We are looking for adults over the age of 19 to volunteer on July 20th! The event runs 11am-2pm. Here's how the event will work: Teens 13 -17 will have the ability to compete in an *obstacle course activity and skills challenges*. Youths 8-12 will also have an opportunity to participate in the *skills challenges in a noncompetitive format*. For those who are interested, there will be an opportunity for youths to compete with and/or against their parents as well. There will be a brief open and closing ceremony; and free lunch will provide for everyone. We are looking for volunteers to help run the skill challenge stations and for volunteers to help manage the event, before, during and after.
Events Details
Time: 11am - 2pm
Location: The Stadium at the House (2601 Port Covington Dr., Baltimore MD, 21230)