WT-Thursday June 20 Harbor Chase of Shorewood 2pm signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

1111 E Capitol Dr Shorewood
Bistro Lounge

Looking for 5 teams
Please arrive by 1:45 PM

Here are some additional parking options
- a small parking lot in the front of the building or
- a lot to the south of Corner Bakery Cafe located east of Harbor Chase
- on the west side of the building on the service road

There is a small area of carpet in the room we will be in, but the majority of it is tiled. We can expect a group of 18-25 attendees of assisted living residents and memory care patients. Family members have also been invited so we should plan for some to be in attendance as well.

Please add your dog's name after your first name...THANK YOU!

Show volunteers

What and when
Teams arrive by 1:45 PM -Harbor Chase 1111 E Capitol Dr Shorewood
2-3 PM CST
Shelley & Itsy L., Justine and Seamus K., Ute and Milo P., Beth and Koda G., Kathleen/Finn D.,
Presenter arrives by 1:45 PM -1111 E Capitol Dr Shorewood
2-3 PM CST
Lisa H.,
Backup teams
Number of attendees
Unable to attend
Sandy R.,
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