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Attend or Speak at City Council August 28th Meeting - Arrive between 5:30p-6pm signup sheet

Attend or speak at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, August 28th. Arrive at City Hall between 5:30pm-6pm. Meet in the City Hall lobby and wear green, if possible. We'll issue instructions on what to do when you arrive.

To sign up, select a row below

Show volunteers

Speak at the City Council meeting
Show 10 names Mari F., Ellen G., Rae P., Rita H., Robert D., Guy D., David S., Ronald G., Vasuki N., Shirley S.,
Attend the City Council meeting (no need to sign up if already signed up to speak)
Dennis G., Donna S., Danica L., Rami B., joanne v., joanne v., Carole G., Mary & Carlos A., Tony W., Steve and Joan C., Jann Y., Catherine C., Joan C., Steve C., Kim B., Amir F., Aviz R., hyun h., Sharon O., Ron C., Elizabeth B., Daniel W., Lee R., carol a., Mitzi D., David D., Carol B., Mary W.,
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