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Juniper Jam 2024 signup sheet

Saturday, August 31, 2024 (plus 8/30 setup, 9/1 cleanup)

To sign up, select a row below

Show volunteers

What and when
Friday Setup - Help us hang banners, stage backdrop, set up tent frames, build the Tunesmith Stage, set out trash cans.
8/30 - 12-4pm
Show 8 names Luwana W., Jack S., Rusty H., Randi j., Bruce M., Willy L., Chris G., Jeffrey Y.,
Host a Band (Enterprise residence preferred) - We don't have the budget to provide hotel lodging for musicians who perform at Juniper Jam, but do love to give folks in our community a chance to host them at their homes. Please let us know how many you can host, bed configuration, pet situation, etc.
Marika S., Jon L., Sarah C., Sue J., Melisa B.,
Saturday Morning Setup - Finish up setting the tents, and a million other little things that always need doing.
8/31 - 9am-12pm
Show 8 names Terri H., Kate F., Randi j., Sierra N., Jon L., Natalie M., Patrick B., Nick P.,
Band Hospitality - Help keep our hardworking musicians happy! We provide food and drink for them in the Snack Bar, closed to the general public. You will be responsible for making sure they get what they need. We usually have a hot dish, like lasagna, plus salad, fruit/veggie trays, cookies, and other snacky things.
8/31- 12pm-3pm
Andrea M., Nancy M.,
Band Hospitality - Help keep our hardworking musicians happy! We provide food and drink for them in the Snack Bar, closed to the general public. You will be responsible for making sure they get what they need. We usually have a hot dish, like lasagna, plus salad, fruit/veggie trays, cookies, and other snacky things.
8/31 - 3-6pm
Kathie B., Nancy C.,
Band Hospitality - Help keep our hardworking musicians happy! We provide food and drink for them in the Snack Bar, closed to the general public. You will be responsible for making sure they get what they need. We usually have a hot dish, like lasagna, plus salad, fruit/veggie trays, cookies, and other snacky things.
8/31 - 6-9pm
Lisa D., Rachel N.,
Band Hospitality - Help keep our hardworking musicians happy! We provide food and drink for them in the Snack Bar, closed to the general public. You will be responsible for making sure they get what they need. We usually have a hot dish, like lasagna, plus salad, fruit/veggie trays, cookies, and other snacky things.
8/31- 8-10pm
Jimmy J.,
Band Merchandise - Help our performers sell their merchandise! A table / tent is set up near the stages to display and sell all the music and tshirts that the bands bring. We do NOT take a commission--all goes to the artist.
8/31 - 11am-2pm
Katy L., Odessa L.,
Band Merchandise - Help our performers sell their merchandise! A table / tent is set up near the stages to display and sell all the music and tshirts that the bands bring. We do NOT take a commission--all goes to the artist.
8/31 - 2-5pm
Lisa R., Angela B.,
Band Merchandise - Help our performers sell their merchandise! A table / tent is set up near the stages to display and sell all the music and tshirts that the bands bring. We do NOT take a commission--all goes to the artist.
8/31 - 5-8pm
Megan B., Kathy N.,
Band Merchandise - Help our performers sell their merchandise! A table / tent is set up near the stages to display and sell all the music and tshirts that the bands bring. We do NOT take a commission--all goes to the artist.
8/31 - 8-10:30pm
Autumn W., Bridget B.,
Beverage (must be age 21+) - Festival-goers get thirsty, and you can help them out with that! If you're over 21 years old, you can pour beer and wine for us. Great spot to enjoy the music too!
8/31 - 11am-2pm
Caroline L., Sue J., Asch H.,
Beverage (must be age 21+) - Festival-goers get thirsty, and you can help them out with that! If you're over 21 years old, you can pour beer and wine for us. Great spot to enjoy the music too!
8/31 - 2-5pm
Chelsey L., Pam R., kat k.,
Beverage (must be age 21+) - Festival-goers get thirsty, and you can help them out with that! If you're over 21 years old, you can pour beer and wine for us. Great spot to enjoy the music too!
8/31 - 5-8pm
Joni H., Christi B., Robin K.,
Beverage (must be age 21+) - Festival-goers get thirsty, and you can help them out with that! If you're over 21 years old, you can pour beer and wine for us. Great spot to enjoy the music too!
8/31 - 8-10pm
Joni H., Darrell B.,
Comfort Station - Sometimes folks need a quite place to chill, re-hydrate, get a bandaid, some can help them out at the Comfort Station. It's stocked with a cot, cooler of water, and first aid kit.
8/31 - 12pm-3pm
Tim P.,
Grounds & Sanitation - Keep our festival clean and green--monitor/empty trash and recycling during the day, check restrooms for supplies.
8/31 - 12pm-3pm
Barbara M.,
Grounds & Sanitation - Keep our festival clean and green--monitor/empty trash and recycling during the day, check restrooms for supplies.
8/31 - 3-6pm
Dan O.,
Grounds & Sanitation - Keep our festival clean and green--monitor/empty trash and recycling during the day, check restrooms for supplies.
8/31 - 6-9pm
Kids Activities - Juniper Jam has always had a place for kids to cut loose! We supply a bunch of fun artsy crafty supplies...feel free to improvise. Kid's area winds down at 6pm.
8/31 - 12pm-3pm
Sky R., Terry J.,
Kids Activities - Juniper Jam has always had a place for kids to cut loose! We supply a bunch of fun artsy crafty supplies...feel free to improvise. Kid's area winds down at 6pm.
8/31 - 3-6pm
Ruthi D.,
Stage Management - Help our musicians and their gear get on and off the stage in a safe and timely manner.
8/31 - 12pm-3pm
Gregory R., Laura S.,
Stage Management - Help our musicians and their gear get on and off the stage in a safe and timely manner.
8/31 - 3-6pm
Jeffrey Y., Terry J.,
Stage Management - Help our musicians and their gear get on and off the stage in a safe and timely manner.
8/31 - 6-9pm
Gabe B.,
Ticket Booth - Welcome folks to Juniper Jam! Take their money or ticket, (keep half the ticket and put it in the jar for the occasional drawings we have). Put a wristband on them.
8/31 - 10am-1pm
Julia Z., Lori W.,
Ticket Booth - Welcome folks to Juniper Jam! Take their money or ticket, (keep half the ticket and put it in the jar for the occasional drawings we have). Put a wristband on them.
8/31 - 1-4pm
Mary S., Sharon N.,
Ticket Booth - Welcome folks to Juniper Jam! Take their money or ticket, (keep half the ticket and put it in the jar for the occasional drawings we have). Put a wristband on them.
8/31 - 4-7pm
David M.,
Ticket Booth - Welcome folks to Juniper Jam! Take their money or ticket, (keep half the ticket and put it in the jar for the occasional drawings we have). Put a wristband on them.
8/31 - 7-10pm
WVMA Info/Merch - Help check in volunteers and bands, sell Juniper Jam merchandise and share information about the Wallowa Valley Music Alliance with folks who are interested. (We'll have information available at the WVMA tent.)
8/31 - 10am-1pm
Shannon M., Mark L., bob w.,
WVMA Info/Merch - Help check in volunteers and bands, sell Juniper Jam merchandise and share information about the Wallowa Valley Music Alliance with folks who are interested. (We'll have information available at the WVMA tent.)
8/31 - 1-4pm
Terri H., Paul F., bob w.,
WVMA Info/Merch - Help check in volunteers and bands, sell Juniper Jam merchandise and share information about the Wallowa Valley Music Alliance with folks who are interested. (We'll have information available at the WVMA tent.)
8/31 - 4-7pm
STANLYNN D., Melisa B., Bill B.,
WVMA Info/Merch - Help check in volunteers and bands, sell Juniper Jam merchandise and share information about the Wallowa Valley Music Alliance with folks who are interested. (We'll have information available at the WVMA tent.)
8/31 - 7-10pm
Robert W.,
Security (must be age 18+) - Help us keep Juniper Jam the sweetest little music festival in Eastern Oregon! No under aged consumption of alcohol is permitted, and anyone purchasing alcohol at the festival must first show ID and get an "over 21" wristband. It is one of the main responsibilities of the Security volunteers to keep an eye on this. Also, making sure folks don't sneak in without a ticket.
8/31 - 12pm-3pm
Rick B., Jeff B.,
Security (must be age 18+) - Help us keep Juniper Jam the sweetest little music festival in Eastern Oregon! No under aged consumption of alcohol is permitted, and anyone purchasing alcohol at the festival must first show ID and get an "over 21" wristband. It is one of the main responsibilities of the Security volunteers to keep an eye on this. Also, making sure folks don't sneak in without a ticket.
8/31 - 3-6pm
Mike M., Nathan C.,
Security (must be age 18+) - Help us keep Juniper Jam the sweetest little music festival in Eastern Oregon! No under aged consumption of alcohol is permitted, and anyone purchasing alcohol at the festival must first show ID and get an "over 21" wristband. It is one of the main responsibilities of the Security volunteers to keep an eye on this. Also, making sure folks don't sneak in without a ticket.
8/31 - 6-9pm
Nick P.,
Sunday Cleanup - Meet us at the fairgrounds at 10am and help tear down, put away, and pick up trash.
8/31 - 10am-1pm
Nick P., Terri H., Roger A., Chip A.,
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