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ZEST Fest and Mini Show Volunteer signup sheet

Volunteer with the Zootown Arts Community Center to help us run our new annual fundraiser event, the ZEST Arts and Music Festival!

ZEST is a chance to champion the art and music that enriches lives in Missoula and beyond. Proceeds from ZEST directly support the incredible year-round work of the ZACC, including youth education programs, classes, rock camps, local art exhibitions, workshops, and much, much more.

ZACC needs help with set up, registration, the mini-show auction and live auction teams, ushers, print shop assistance, and catering assistance!

REGISTRATION TEAM – Check in attendees, help with door sales, coat check, auction team assistance.
MINI SHOW AUCTION TEAM – Greet attendees in the gallery, monitor and help with bidding and Givergy software, pack art and distribute to auction recipients.
USHERS – Wayfinding, directing traffic, answering patron questions, and general assistance to ZACC staff.
PRINT SHOP ASSISTANT – Assist with operating hat and tee-shirt press, manage inventory, distribute finished merch!
LIVE AUCTION TEAM – Assist auctioneer by drawing attention to bids, record bid winners and follow up with ZACC staff.
CATERING TEAM – Bring that butler vibe and pass those apps! Catering volunteers will move throughout ZEST with trays of tasty food, clear any dishes or rubbish, and assist our awesome catering partners!

Volunteers receive a ZEST volunteer tee-shirt and FREE tickets to attend ZEST before or after your volunteer shift! Sign up for your shift below, we'll be in touch with more information! THANK YOU!

To sign up, select a row below

Show volunteers

What and when
Registration Team 1
Sat. March 29, 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Rebekah Z., Dawn M., Eric M.,
Registration Team 2
Sat. March 29, 8:00pm to 11:00pm
Jamie R., Greta G., Claire Z.,
Mini Show Auction Team (monitor)
Sat. March 29, 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Carol M.,
Mini Show Auction Team (pack and distribute)
Sat. March 29, 8:00pm to 11:00pm
Aubrey N.,
Usher Team 1
Sat. March 29, 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Molly S., Will H.,
Usher Team 2
Sat. March 29, 8:00pm to 11:00pm
Nicky P., Gregory D.,
Print Shop Assistant Team 1
Sat. March 29, 5:00pm to 7:30pm
Gray L., Moya J.,
Print Shop Assistant Team 2
Sat. March 29, 7:30pm to 10:00pm
K R., Zoe E.,
Live Auction Spotters
Sat. March 29, 7:30pm to 9:00pm
Ann K., Chelsea v.,
Catering Team
Sat. March 29, 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Jenah M., Charlotte N., Lex L., David D., Susan M., Suzanne S.,
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