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Confirmation Student Mustard Seed Volunteering signup sheet

Overview: You will be serving pizza, salad, and dessert. Please meet in the parking lot and be ready to leave no later than 4:10 PM, allowing enough time for setup and preparation before guests arrive. ADULT VOLUNTEERS THAT REGISTER WILL ALSO NEED TO BE ABLE TO CARPOOL/DRIVE THE STUDENTS.

Food Pickup Instructions:

• Pizza: The pizza will be purchased in advance from Monti’s (369 W Main St, Northborough, MA 01532) and will be ready for you to pick up at 4:00PM. You’ll be picking up nine sheet pizzas. One of the adult volunteers will need to pick up the pizzas.

• Salad: The Salad ingredients can be collected from the Pastoral Center kitchen. Enter the middle door of the Pastoral Center, take a left in the hallway and the kitchen will be on your right at the end of the hallway. Everything will be in the refrigerator for you. You’ll be picking up 4 large bags of salad, 4 packages of cucumbers and 2 salad dressing bottles. The second adult volunteer can pick this up.

• Desserts: We leave baskets out at the entrances of the church on Tuesday and Wednesday for parishioners to donate desserts that we take with us. Students can go to the church entrances and bring out the donations for desserts to load in your cars.
At the Mustard Seed: The Mustard Seed’s address is 93 Piedmont St, Worcester, MA 01609. Parking is available on the street but can be limited so carpooling in the two adult cars is recommended. Upon arrival, other volunteers will greet you and assist with carrying everything into the kitchen.
Students will assemble the salad upon arrival, with all utensils and serving bowls available onsite. Mustard Seed volunteers will provide all other instruction for plating and serving the food.
You will be serving approximately 150 guests, indoors and outdoors (weather permitting). After the meal, students will help clean and sanitize the dining area. You should expect to return to St. Mary’s between 7:00 PM and 7:30 PM.
Thank you again for volunteering, and please reach out if you have any questions.

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What and when
Adult Volunteers
Wednesday, November 20th - 4:00PM - 7:30PM
Christine M., Sue S.,
Student Volunteers
Wednesday, November 20th - 4:00PM - 7:30PM
Brayden M., Jill S., Samantha G., Marlena P., Chris C., Abby M., Bridget S.,
Adult Volunteers
Wednesday, March 19th - 4:00PM - 7:30PM
Nancy C., Pam N.,
Student Volunteers
Wednesday, March 19th - 4:00PM - 7:30PM
Marlena P., Luke M., Cameron M., Tyler G., Kat C., Jay L., Henry B.,
Adult Volunteers
Wednesday, April 16th - 4:00PM - 7:30PM
Nancy C., Pam N.,
Student Volunteers
Wednesday, April 16th - 4:00PM - 7:30PM
Marlena P., Kat C., Jay L., Hannah L., Ava R., Rachel K., Michelle K.,
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