CP-Medical College of WI-Dec 5 12-1pm signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

We are back at MCW!
Campus is at 8702 W Watertown Plank Rd Main Building 1.A - Health Research Center
There are parking lots located to the east of 87th Street in between Water Town Plank Rd and Wisconsin Av.

There is a silver statue and circle drive in front of our main building, for your reference. Directly across 87th street from our main building is the surface parking lot and garage. You will have to buzz when you pull in and you can let Public Safety know you are here for a therapy dog visit. They will let you in.

Once you park, cross 87th street and head to our main building (the Health Research Center).

***NEW INFO*** The E44 door which we have used in the past is now closed due to construction. Everyone should come to the main entrance of the main building (building A on the map). This should actually make it a bit easier! The building is locked, with a buzzer. Kerri Corcoran, our contact, usually tries to meet everyone as they are arriving, but you can also buzz to be let in. She has provided her cell and permission to share: 608-609-6525. Feel free to call her if you need help getting in and you arrive before I do, though I plan to be there early, too.

There is a downloadable map with these options.
Copy and paste this address into your URL
The building you are going to is labeled “1”.

As usual please arrive before your shift begins and add your dog's name after your first name, please.
Thank you everyone!!

Show volunteers

What and when
Arrive at 11:45am
12pm - 1pm
Kathy R., Diane S L., Chris and Udo V., Debra (and Honey) Z., Joyce & Harley M., Phyllis Ellie L.,
Lisa H.,
number of attendees
Backup teams
Becky (Hattie) B., Pam D.,
unable to attend
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