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Hello! Welcome to the Jacksonville Pumpkin Patch volunteer sign-up sheet. Assisting with this community outreach event is an incredible opportunity and we're so thankful that you've chosen us to commit your time to. There are a number of volunteer opportunities available each year. Some of these are eligible to high school volunteer hours (those are noted below). If you're signing up as a high-school volunteer, please bring with you any forms that need to be completed. You'll receive a letter confirming your hours after your service work in complete. Please note the team lead that you should locate at the beginning and end of your service hours.
When volunteering, please come prepared with sunscreen, water and gloves.
All volunteer hours will be completed at 1821 San Pablo Road South, Jacksonville, FL 32224
Thank you,
If you have any questions, please direct them to the lead volunteer coordinator, Chandra at 904-294-7603 (call/text) or