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2025 Governmental Affairs Committee signup sheet

Here is your opportunity to sign up for the Governmental Affairs Committee. This Committee is responsible for collecting information about pending legislation and current laws impacting property management, developing position statements, and disseminating information to the membership in conjunction with NARPM® staff. It also recommends position statements to the Board of Directors for approval. This Committee supports the NARPM® Strategic Plan and the Mission and Vision of NARPM®.

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Governmental Affairs Committee
Natomi S., Lauren B., Alex Z., Denisse C., Joann G., Robert D., Andie S., Krishna U., Jim H., Ginny H., Gary G., Paul R., Dr. Shenetta M., William J., Eddie O., Marty H., Jim E., Kandy M., Stephen L., Ashlee M., Ginny H., Demetria K., Helene H., Karen C., Warren I., Kevin M., David W., Kandy M., Stacey J., Lisa L E., Karen C.,
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