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Bunnings Newstead - Tennis BBQ Fundraiser signup sheet

AHS Tennis PSG BBQ – Bunnings Fundraiser on Saturday, 8 March

Next Saturday, 8 March, the AHS Tennis Parent Support Group (PSG) will be hosting a Bunnings BBQ fundraiser at Newstead. The funds raised will directly support your daughter in the tennis program, through opportunities like skills clinics, squad breakfasts, game day treats, ice blocks, and overall support of the students in Tennis.

Our PSG really need your support to cover shifts between 7:00 AM and 4:30 PM, with 2-hour shifts available. Both adults and students are welcome to help out. Students aged 13-17 can assist but will be limited to serving, as they cannot cook. This Bunnings BBQ is our one major fundraising event in which the PSG relies on for support, and your involvement is greatly appreciated. Alternatively, if you’re unable to spare 2 hours next Saturday, there’s also the option to donate money towards the BBQ costs.

We’re excited to invite all AHS Tennis families and friends to come together and be part of the Tennis Fundraising Day at Bunnings Newstead. This is a wonderful opportunity to volunteer, build our tennis community, and show your support for this fantastic initiative!

A huge thank you to Penny (PSG President) and our fantastic committee members for this opportunity. We look forward to seeing you all next Saturday, 8 March.

To sign up, select a row below

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What and when
Cooking, Preparing and Serving - BBQ Fundraiser
7:00AM - 9:00AM (Saturday, 8 March)
Michael A., Anthony G.,
Cooking, Preparing and Serving - BBQ Fundraiser
9:00AM - 11:00AM (Saturday, 8 March)
Paula B., Liz F.,
Cooking, Preparing and Serving - BBQ Fundraiser
11:00AM - 1:00PM (Saturday, 8 March)
Jacinta C., Matt H., Laura L., Conor O., Natasha R.,
Cooking, Preparing and Serving - BBQ Fundraiser
1:00PM - 3:00PM (Saturday, 8 March)
Sophie D., Daniel C., Kylie G.,
Cooking, Preparing and Serving - BBQ Fundraiser
3:00PM - 5:00PM (Saturday, 8 March)
Justine O., Soleil O., Soleil O.,
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