June 20th In Person Worship 9 a.m. signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Masks must be worn at all times.
Practice social distancing.
Follow directions of the ushers.
Singing will be very limited and only at the direction of Pastors.
No lingering in the building before or after services.
Stay home if you are not feeling well.
By signing up you are ageeing to follow the above guidelines.
If you are uncomfortable attending in person, join us on our YouTube channel or radio broadcast - WMEQ 880 AM or 106.3 FM at 9:00 a.m.

Show volunteers

Jane K., Becky K., Kris L., Samual W., Becca W., Baptism W., Baptism W., Baptism W., Baptism W., Baptism W., Baptism W., Baptism W., Baptism W., Baptism W., Baptism W., Katie B., Janell E., Nancy S., Roger S., Beth M., Hank K., Marge K., Dave W., Amy W., Terry M., Shannon M., Steve V., Sue V., Trudy S., Rod S., Gilmer H., Lynn D., Char O., Becky K., Diane A., Makenna A., Barb B., Mike and Sally S., Roxanne C., Dennis C., Donna L., Donna's son L., Martha B., Glen M., Gloria M., Richard E., Marie Y., Renee F., Robert F., Bonnie F., Lindsay B., Scott B., Kyah B., Asher B.,
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