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Share Spot BFDF signup sheet

UPDATE: as of OCT 19, the Share Spot is located in it's off-season location of the employee parking lot of the Industrial Credit Union at the corner or Maplewood and Northwest (on the Neto's side of the street). We will need 4 volunteers to run each Share Spot from 10:45-12:30ish on Saturdays. On Fridays, we often are contacted by Cordata Presbyterian after their weekly food share to come and pick up a few boxes of extra food. If you are able to do this task, it would involve driving out there , picking up the boxes and either driving them to the Share Spot directly on Saturday at 11 or dropping the boxes off at Tina's house in Sunnyland on Friday evening. Some items may need to be refrigerated or frozen. Volunteers are needed during the Share Spot to set up tables, sort food items, welcome and assist our neighbors as they arrive. We need someone to distribute any remaining produce after the Share Spot to the Little Free Food Boxes. Finally for Saturday, we need someone to distribute any remaining food (if there is any) into the community food boxes. This will require a vehicle. Please arrive at the Share Spot at noon. For all roles, please be on time and notify us if you are unable to come as soon as you know so we can reach out to other volunteers. Thanks!

To sign up, select a row below

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What and when
Pick up food at Cordata Presbyterian
FRIDAY Jan. 31, 3:45 pm
Heather N.,
Work at the Share Spot (Birchwood)
Saturday Feb. 1, 10:45-12:45
Heather N., Bristol W., Nicholas C., Ashley J.,
Distribute any extra food to the community food share boxes
Saturday Feb. 1, 1200-1
Lara N.,
Pick up food at Cordata Presbyterian
FRIDAY Feb. 7, 3:45 pm
Heather N.,
Work at the Share Spot (Birchwood)
Saturday Feb. 8, 10:45-12:45
Distribute any extra food to the community food share boxes
Saturday Feb. 8, 1200-1
Cathi C.,
Pick up food at Cordata Presbyterian
FRIDAY Feb. 14, 3:45 pm
Heather N.,
Work at the Share Spot (Birchwood)
Saturday Feb. 15, 10:45-12:45
Heather N.,
Distribute any extra food to the community food share boxes
Saturday Feb. 15, 1200-1
Cathi C.,
Pick up food at Cordata Presbyterian
FRIDAY Feb. 21, 3:45 pm
Cathi C.,
Work at the Share Spot (Birchwood)
Saturday Feb. 22, 10:45-12:45
Distribute any extra food to the community food share boxes
Saturday Feb. 22, 1200-1
Cathi C.,
Pick up food at Cordata Presbyterian
FRIDAY Feb. 28, 3:45 pm
Heather N.,
Work at the Share Spot (Birchwood)
Saturday March 1, 10:45-12:45
Distribute any extra food to the community food share boxes
Saturday March 2, 1200-1
Cathi C.,
Pick up food at Cordata Presbyterian
FRIDAY March 7, 3:45 pm
Heather N.,
Work at the Share Spot (Birchwood)
Saturday March 8, 10:45-12:45
Distribute any extra food to the community food share boxes
Saturday March 8, 1200-1
Cathi C.,
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