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Please Sign up for the position and time you want to volunteer. The position descriptions are as follows:
Registration: Helps check in contestants at Registration table at the beach
Surfrider Table: Promote Surfrider and sell Surfrider merchandise and Raffle Tickets
Beach Captain: Coordinates between Judges/Flaggers/Timers/on deck contestants
Timer: Keeps track of heat times and prompts signaler and flagger (no experience required)
Flagger: Raises and lowers signal flags (no experience required)
Score Runner: Runs sheets to score keeper (no experience required)
MC Assistant - Assists MC, back up for MC
Setup Coordinator - Directs the set up of event equipment the day of the event
Setup Crew - Helps set up the event equipment the day of the event
Tear Down Coordinator - Directs the tear down of event equipment the day of the event
Tear Down Crew - Helps tear down the event equipment the day of the event
Beach Cleanup Lead - Leads beach cleanup. Make prize catogories. Prompts MC to make announcments about Beach Cleanu Competition. Judges catagories or designates volunteer(s) to judge. Make sure supplies are handed out and safety is followed. Starts and stops Beach Cleanup Competition.