Monthly School Support Masses - FEBRUARY 17 signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

*Please sign up YOUR CHILD'S NAME and GRADE (i.e. First Name: "Mary - 8", Last Name: "Smith") to volunteer for the Masses below.
*ONE PERSON PER SLOT. If you have multiple children/family members participating, please sign up for more than one slot.
*ONE ROLE PER MASS. If your child is altar serving, please do not sign them up for these slots, as they will not be able to do both

Greeters, please arrive 30 minutes prior to Mass time
Offertory, please arrive 15 minutes prior to Mass time

*** Check in with school staff prior to Mass.
Sunday 9am - Mrs. Raab
Sunday 10:45am - Ms. Baker
Sunday 5pm - Mrs. Adams

Once a month, the second collection at Holy Spirit Church is collected for 'School Support'. We would like to have students come IN FORMAL UNIFORM and help with the Mass. Please sign up YOUR CHILD'S NAME and GRADE (i.e. First Name: Mary - 8, Last Name: Smith) to volunteer for the Masses below. Your child will earn one volunteer hour towards their yearly requirement.

Student Greeters - at each of the four entrances of the church, greeting people as they enter and passing out bulletins at the conclusion of Mass - please arrive 30 minutes before Mass time
Offertory - to bring up the gifts during the Offertory (open to both students and their families) - please go to the back of the Church during the Creed (after the homily)

This month's Masses fall on February 17.

Thank you!

Show volunteers

What and when
Sunday 9am Mass - Student Greeter
arrive 8:30am
Jayden V., Alden V., Karen E., Max 3 F.,
Sunday 9am Mass - Student/Family Members Offertory
go to the back of the Church during the Creed (after the homily)
Jonah A., Trinity I., Alden V., Jayden V.,
Sunday 10:45am Mass - Student Greeter
arrive 10:15am
Gianna M., Gabriel M., Bella - 3 S.,
Sunday 10:45am Mass - Student/Family Members Offertory
go to the back of the Church during the Creed (after the homily)
Sunday 5pm Mass - Student Greeter
arrive 4:30pm
Sunday 5pm Mass - Student/Family Members Offertory
go to the back of the Church during the Creed (after the homily)
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