Soup Sisters fundraiser and fun social signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Soup Sisters
Fundraiser and social event for
Telemark Ski moms

Sunday, November 24

SAJ Common Kitchen
2720 Tutt Street

$50 per person
includes wine, appies, soup
& amazing company!

Please join Telemark moms for a fun social evening to kick off the season. Spend a few hours chopping, sipping and chit chatting. At the end of the evening we will have approximately 60 L of healthy, delicious soups that we can sell to friends, family and up at the trails.

Please sign up as soon as possible. There are only 20 spots available.

Show volunteers

What and when
Fundraiser spot
Sunday, November 24 5-8pm
Alison C., Sandy R., Tara H., Michele W., Sonya B., Jill S., Natalie E., Melanie W., Ingrid M., Tess L., Abbey U., Mindy A., Valentina M., Jenny A., Deepa F., Trisha E.,
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