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Ned & Genie Fritz Texas Buckeye Trail Restoration signup sheet

Please join us in re-establishing this beautiful Great Trinity Forest trail to the lovely grove of Texas Buckeyes! Rain dates are the following Saturday.
• Location: Blair Park 7000 Bexar St. Dallas Texas 75215, across from Bonton Farms. If the cul-de-sac is full, park along Bexar St.
• Meet at the Blair Park covered pavilion to sign waivers with the Safety Leaders before heading over the levees to hike the trail.
• For a complete project description visit:
• Texas Master Naturalist (TMN) Trail Leader and a Safety Leader (TMN not required) will provide volunteers specific instructions to clear invasive plants from the designated portions of the trail.
• Trail conditions will be monitored and if rain/mud prevent work, the work day will be postponed until the following Saturday.
• Carefully protect yellow flagged plants during trail re-establishment.
• Dallas Parks and Recreation Department (DPAR) requires a signed waiver (the safety leader will provide.)
• Per DPAR, power tools are only allowed by trained volunteers.
• Tools and gloves will be provided. If possible bring, loppers and personal gloves. Bring and consumer plenty of water.
• Require closed toed shoes, strongly recommend long pants and long-sleeve over shirt (poison ivy is prevalent). Mosquito repellent suggested.
• Everyone is invited to gather for lunch at The Market at Bonton Farms ~12:45.
• NTMN Report VH to: Ned and Genie Fritz Buckeye Trail and Blair Park Trails
• Questions contact project lead: Kristi Kerr Leonard - (preferred), or text/call: 214.676.5580
***Volunteers will be notified (via email and/or text) if the work day is cancelled due to the trail being closed (rain/mud). You are welcome to text Kristi Kerr Leonard.

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What and when
TMN Trail Leader: Mark native plants in advance, direct volunteers on work tasks and collect work tools
Sat., 11/9 9:30-12:30pm
Steve Smith: Tentative
Sat., 11/9 9:30-12:30pm
Safety/Waiver Leader: Safety briefing, volunteers sign waiver, first aid kit
Sat., 11/9 9:30-12:30pm
Trail Volunteers
Sat., 11/9 9:45-12:30pm
Kelly C., Sue H., gabriel l., Karina J., Esteffanía L., Greer D., Frankie V., Johnny W.,
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