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Gallagher Hill Open Space Work Parties signup sheet

Gallagher Hill Open Space is a beautiful parks with a lovely trail system. Unfortunately, much of the park is overgrown with blackberry and ivy, threating the health of this vital ecosystem. Situated above the freeway Gallagher Hill is an important respite of nature that is well worth protecting. Come join us for a park clean-up where we will be removing ivy.
No experience necessary, all ages welcome!

Where: Gallagher Hill Open Space off of Shorewood Dr, follow VOLUNTEER EVENT Signs

What to bring: Dress for the weather in clothes you don’t mind getting dirty (think: long pants, boots or sneakers). Bring a water bottle. Small snacks, gloves, and tools will be provided.

Directions: From N Mercer Way- turn up Shorewood Drive. Follow Shorewood Drive and take a right on W Shorewood Dr, follow the loop to E Shorewood Drive. Look for the "P-Patch" Sign,
You can also access Shorewood Drive from 88th Ave Se or 90th Ave SE

To sign up, select a row below

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What and when
Sat 10am-1pm
Jacqueline T., Isabelle G., Archer G., Brad G., Chelsea C., Serpahia M., True B., Amanda W., Madeline R., Alistair S., Elijah B., Milton R., Emmy R.,
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