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The Wild Oysters Project: Tyne and Wear – Native oyster monitoring session sign up sheet

Hi all,

Thank you for your interest in getting involved with The Wild Oysters Project: Tyne and Wear site! We are a partnership project between Groundwork North East and Cumbria and the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), funded by the Stronger Shores Partnership, aiming to restore native oysters in the Tyne and Wear.

Come and join us for the morning to help us to monitor our oyster nurseries in Sunderland Marina. We will work to record the oysters survival rate, growth, and the number of other species living among them. If you would like to contribute to a local marine conservation project, working to improve local water quality, biodiversity, and overall health of the local marine ecosystem whilst making friends and getting out into the fresh air, then this is the project for you! Whether you have a marine background, or keen to get hands on and learn more about local habitat restoration taking place, everyone is welcome!

Please email me at if all of the volunteer spaces have been filled and I will place your name on a reserve list for the monitoring session that you are interested in. I will contact you if there is a cancellation and a space becomes available.

If you have any queries, please get in touch: I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully see you soon.

All the best,

Marine Engagement & Restoration Officer, Groundwork North East and Cumbria.

The project is funded by the Stronger Shores Partnership, led by South Tyneside Council, with funding from Defra as part of the Flood and Coastal Innovation Programmes (FCIP) managed by the Environment Agency.

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What and when
Sunderland Marina Oyster monitoring session
06/05/2025 9:30-13:00
Tabitha C., Caroline G., Fiona L., Susan K., Jamie H., Finn T., Jemima E., Chloe P.,
Sunderland Marina Oyster monitoring session
02/06/2025 9:30-13:00
Sarah R., Amanda B., Sue K.,
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