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Reading Triathlon 2022 signup sheet

Come and help our club to put on a great Triathlon event.
Race day is Sunday 11th September

To sign up, select a row below

Show volunteers

What and when
Sat 20/08 - Yes I want to swim for free in the lake beforehand
08:00 - 09:00
Rupert W., Peter R., Martin C., david w., Clare H.,
Sat 20/08 - Gardening / Grounds maintenance
09:00 - 12:00 (or any time your can spare)
Jim L., Rupert W., Peter R., Susan M., Clare H., Geoff B.,
Sat 03/09 - Yes I want to swim for free in the lake beforehand
08:00 - 09:00
Show 9 names Nora H., Mike N., Paul S., Clare H., Robert M., Stuart J., Tasha S., Marie K., Miha R.,
Sat 03/09 - Gardening / Grounds maintenance
09:00 - 12:00 (or any time your can spare)
Show 9 names Nora H., Zoe H., Mike N., Paul S., Clare H., Marie K., Stuart J., Tasha S., Miha R.,
Fri 09/09 - Equipment Collection
10:00 - 17:00
Nicky R.,
Fri 09/09 - Race pack assembly
15:00 - 17:00
Liz G., Zoe H., Sally W.,
Sat 10/09 - Site preparation
09:30 - 15:00 (or any time your can spare)
Paul A., Lauren B., david w., Mike N., Nicky R., Clare H., Ed N., Tasha S., Martin c., Sean S., Trevor M., Nicky J., Rachel H., Erik A., Adam P., Tom B., Anthony (Tony) R., Hannah R., Nick S.,
RACE DAY - Pre race parking Marshal at Green Park
06:00 - 08:30 (can be combined with marshal role)
Iain M., Kate K., Kirsty J., Clive G.,
RACE DAY - Chief bike Marshal
07:00 - 14:00
RACE DAY - Bike Marshal
07:45 - 13:00
Rupert W., david w., Martin J., Ed N., Sean S., Erik A., Neil H., Clare H., Clare w., Nick S., Dan B., Richard Crampton C., Kirsty J.,
RACE DAY - Announcer / Roving mic
06:15 - 13:00
Paul A.,
RACE DAY - Lake / Hotel Marshal including Registration
06:15 - 13:00
Lauren B., Mike N., Nicky R., Heather P., Clare H., Sian V., Stuart J., Andrea G., Tasha S., Martin c., Christine c., Nick L., Juliet H., Markus O., Rachel H., Adam S., Jason B., Sonia M.,
RACE DAY - Lake / Hotel - Clear down / pack up
12:00 - 14:30
Show 20 names Paul A., Peter R., Mike N., Amy P., Nicky R., Clare H., Stuart J., Andrea G., Tasha S., Martin c., Christine c., Clare w., Nora H., Nick S., Amanda G., Sian V., Rachel H., Marie K., Paul G., Kirsty J.,
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