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Spring Birdsong Survey 2024 (session 2) signup sheet

A maximum of eight persons can sign up for each walk, to reduce conversational noise. Please wear sturdy footwear and appropriate clothing for the weather, and bring binoculars and cell phones if you have them. All participants will be trained during the walk to use the free mobile app "Merlin," created by the Cornell University Laboratory of Ornithology, to identify UK birdsongs. Ideally, please download it from Google PlayStore or similar source, and load on it the Western Palearctic/European bird song library.

To sign up, select a row below

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What and when
Bird Survey with bird song and ID instruction with John Frank
Saturday 20th April 6.30am until 8.30am
Show 8 names Juliet H., Doreen M., Peter U., Felix U., Paul S., Heather F., Mike H., Susana N.,
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